Built around a committed philosophy, with a creative spirit that informs the entire design process, Fermob is far more than just an outdoor furniture brand. It lives and breathes strong values such as respect for the environment, and implement specific know-how at every step in production. Fermob products are extensively accepted all over the world – originated from its factory in France to New York, Tokyo and London….and now in Shanghai! (上海)
Fermob 法悦居, 介于传统与现代之间
法悦居是诞生于19世纪末期的一家法国户外彩色金属家具制造商, 不仅掌握传统的工业技术,而且在经过了多年的发展之后巧妙地融合了传统与创新的元素。
1989:在现任董事长Bernard Reybier带领下重振企业
1990 – 2000 :
走向国际市场, 创新与设计开始受到重视
21世纪:法悦居成为国际户外家具品牌中的佼佼者,并逐渐开始在世界各地设置销售点 更多信息:http://www.fermob.com/en/
New Luxembourg Lounge Chair + Low Table with casters
New Opaline Green for 2021
Fermob 2022 Album now available (NEW)
Fermob 2021 Colour Guide (法悦居2021色彩搭配)
Fermob 2019 Album Fermob 2017 Album
Fermob Contract Catalogue 2019-2020